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Code of Conduct

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ROSSOGARGANO S.C.A.P.A. (formerly Conserve Alimentari Futuragri S.C.A.P.A.) as a supplier of AEON follows and implements the following Code of Conduct (CoC).

1. Child labor is not permitted.
Child labor means: hiring children under the age of 15 to work (ILO138).

2. Forced or compulsory labor is prohibited.

A healthy and safe working environment is provided to its employees:

  • first aid medical devices;
  • safe equipment and systems for accident prevention;
  • protective equipment and protective clothing;
  • hygiene of working environments and toilets;
  • clearly identified and accessible emergency exits;
  • adequate and functional fire extinguishers or fire hydrants available with valid inspection dates;
  • adequate lighting and ventilation;
  • availability of drinking water.

4. Special forms and a box are made available for the collection of reports/complaints from staff.

5. Workers’ freedom of association is respected.

6. For any type of need (health, family, etc.) workers are allowed to leave the company even before the end of the shift.

7. Any form of discrimination based on race, religion, sex, etc. is prohibited.

8. Any form of violence between all staff (managers, employees, workers) is absolutely prohibited.

9. No unreasonable disciplinary practices are applied to its employees.

10. The national collective agreement is applied with reference to the tasks envisaged, holidays and working hours, all hours worked correspond to the salary paid.

11. Environmental management:

  • respect and protection of the environment in compliance with national and international environmental laws;
  • compliance with noise pollution laws;
  • management of the chemical materials used;
  • energy saving (electricity, water, gas, etc.);
  • environmental protection by reduction, reuse and recycling of waste material.

12. Respect and compliance with trade laws and export regulations: the intellectual properties of third parties nor the law for the prevention of unfair competition, etc. are not violated.

13. It is prohibited to offer or accept any form of gift or gratuity to/from aeon or its employees.

14. Responsibilities:
the Management has defined the Administrative Manager and the Quality Manager as responsible for the fulfillment and dissemination of this Code of Conduct. All the staff of ROSSOGARGANO S.C.A.P.A. (formerly Conserve Alimentari Futuragri S.C.A.P.A.), including managers, managers, employees and seasonal workers are thus informed of the objectives and contents of this Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct has also been extended to suppliers in the Organization’s supply chain, which will ensure that they are supported in the implementation and compliance process.